Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
“Serve the Lord with gladness.”  Psalm 100:2

Nomination Form

Pastoral Counselor
Term 2008 – 2012

 The nominated individual should:

JoAnne Sloan
2866 Devonshire
, CA   92835

Nominee Information

Name: _______________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City, State, and ZIP: ____________________________________________________

Telephone (______)__________________________FAX______________________

Email: _______________________________________________________________

Church Name and Address: ______________________________________________

LWML Zone: _________________________________________________________

1.  Past and/or present LWML experience.  Include dates of service, beginning with the most recent date.

Congregation(s)                                                               Date                                    

                                                                                        Pastoral Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 1


Zone(s)                                                                            Date                                     

District                                                                             Date                                    

National                                                                           Date                                     

2.  What do you see as the importance of the LMWL? 

3.  How do you see your role as District Counselor? 

4.  Seminary Attended:

Name                                                                                          Date                       

5.  Formal Education.  List in sequence, beginning with the most recent date.

Name of School                                                                         Date                       

                                                                        Pastoral Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 2

6.  Congregations served.  Include dates of service, beginning with the most recent dates.

 Congregation(s)                                                                     Date                           

7.  Other church and synodical involvement.  List in sequence, beginning with the most 
recent date.

Circuit                                                                                       Date                         

District                                                                                       Date                        

National                                                                                      Date                      

8.  Service in the community . List in sequence beginning with the most recent date:

Description                                                                                Date                      

                                                                                                                             Pastoral Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 3

9.  If elected, I understand that the Executive Committee meets four times a year (Feb., 
May, Aug., Nov.) and the Board meetings meet four times a year (March, June, Sept., 
and Dec.)

Signature of Nominee:                                                                  Date:                     

Submitted by: (Please print)                                                          Zone:                     

Signature of Submitter:                                                                 Date:                     

Zone Name and Number:                                                                                          

Zone President: (Please print)                                                      Phone:                    

Signature of Zone President:                                                        Date:                      


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
                        "Serve the Lord with Gladness." Psalm 100:2


Pastoral Counselor Congregational Consent Form
(To be completed by a congregational representative)

 We are aware and approve the decision of our pastor to serve the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of the Pacific Southwest District in the capacity of Pastoral Counselor.  If elected, we understand he will be serving a term of four years, beginning May/June of 2008.

 Signature of Congregational Representative:




If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any members of the Nominating Committee.

 Kathi Romsa (818)881 – 5574;
Sharon Dean  (310) 392 – 7711;
Beth Benecke (623) 933 – 6436;
Kathleen Baumhofer (480) 759 – 1147;
JoAnne Sloan (714) 993 – 4129;

                                                                              Pastoral Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 4

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