Lutheran Women’s Missionary League

“Serve the Lord with gladness.”  Psalm 100:2

Nomination Form

Term 2008 – 2012, Nominating Committee, 2008 – 2010

 The nominated individual should:

*Nominated for the office of ____________________________________________

(*The offices to be filled are President, Vice President of Christian Life, Vice President of Growth and Development, Vice President of Communications, Financial Secretary, and Nominating Committee.  Please note that the application for Pastoral Counselor is a separate nominating form.)

Nominee Information

Name:  ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address:  ____________________________________________________________________________________

City, State, ZIP:  ______________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: (____ )                                                                                            Fax:                                                       

Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Church Address:  _____________________________________________________________________________

Pastor’s Name:                                                                                                                                                              

LWML Zone:                                                                                                                                                                


Candidate Nomination Form, 2008  - 2012. page 1 


1.  Past and/or present LWML experience.  Include dates of service in sequence, beginning with 
the most recent date.

Society – Office/Committee                                                             Date                         

Zone – Office/Committee                                                                Date                          

District – Office/Committee                                                           Date                           

National – Office/Committee                                                          Date                           

2.  Church Related Activities.  List in sequence, beginning with the most recent date.

 Description                                                                                              Date                   

3.  Community Service.  List in sequence, beginning with the most recent date.

 Description                                                                                             Date                     

4.  Employment Information.  List in sequence, beginning with the most recent date.

 Description/Name of Firm                                                                     Date                       

                                                                           Candidate Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 2


5.  Formal Education.  List in sequence, beginning with the most recent date.

 Name of School                                                                                      Date                        

6.  How do you see your spiritual gifts being used in the position for which you are nominated? 

 7.  Are there other positions where you would like to serve?  If so, list them and state why or why 
not at this time.  

 8.  If you are being nominated for a financial office, attach financial statements from work you 
have done.


9.  If elected, I understand that the Executive Committee meets four times a year (February, May, 
August, and November) and the Board of Directors meets four times a year (March, June, Sep-
tember, and December.)

Signature of the Nominee:                                                                    Date:                        

Submitted by: (Please print.)                                                                Zone:                        

Signature of Submitter:                                                                         Date:                        

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any members of the Nominating Committee.

Kathi Romsa (818)881 – 5574;
Sharon Dean  (310) 392 – 7711;
Beth Benecke (623) 933 – 6436;
Kathleen Baumhofer (480) 759 – 1147;
JoAnne Sloan (714) 993 – 4129;

                                                                                     Candidate Nomination Form, 2008 – 2012, page 3

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