| 60TH ANNIVERSARY ENDOWMENT FUND Envelopes marked LWML 60th Anniversary have been sent to each LWML District President. You may contact her for a special envelope or mail your check marked for the 60th Anniversary Endowment to the District Financial Secretary, or mail to: LWML, P. O. Box 411993, St. Louis, MO 63141-1993. Funds derived from the endowment will be used to enhance the continued training and equipping of leaders for the LWML, provide programming and carry out the LWML mission ministry for today and into the future. The LWML has been a blessing to women and the church-at-large for nearly sixty years and is looking to the future. The work of the Lord is so vast and the LWML is actively involved in mission ministry for the future. The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) with a membership of 250,000 is the the official women’s auxiliary of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The LWML focuses on affirming each woman in her relationship with Christ to enable her to be in ministry among the people of the world. For 60 years the LWML has been encouraging and equipping women to live our their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to financially support global mission. |