Pacific Southwest District
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
1. Project should be in keeping with the mission and ministry of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
2. Project is to have a viable vision, mission and outreach plans that focus on sharing the Gospel.
3. Project is to be administered within the Pacific Southwest District LWML geographic area.
4. Project cannot have been funded in the previous biennium under its constituted, organizational name. (Different regions of a specific entity are considered as separate grants.)
5. Project funding cannot be concurrent with a national LWML grant.
6. Project funding must be for an established entity, not an individual. Grants are not intended to fund salaries, living expenses, personal tuition or other expenses of an individual nature.
7. Project should have funding for continued maintenance and support after LWML funding.
8. Grant money must be used within the biennium for the specific purpose approved.
9. Application must have been cleared with the proposed grant administrator.
10. Amount requested is suggested to be $10,000 or less, in order for more grants to be funded.
11. Projects are to meet the intention of the Gospel Outreach Grant program as well as the above specific guidelines.
A. Gospel Outreach grants are intended to help support projects that focus on reaching people with the Gospel.
B. This includes, but is not limited to, funding for equipment, supplies, printing, training materials, software, repairs, and other projects that will help people to see their need for a Savior, appreciate our Savior’s love, and respond with faith to the relationship God offers them in Jesus.
C. Funding for partial scholarships may be acceptable when the scholarships benefit numerous students, helps an on-going program, is requested by the Lutheran church or school, is fully used within the biennium, and meets the above guidelines and intentions of the Gospel Outreach grant program.
1. Submit ten (10) copies of each Grant Application to the Vice President for Gospel Outreach. Please do not include any extraneous or supplemental items. Also, please do not place applications in binders, sleeves or folders.
2. Applications must be postmarked by September 30 of the odd numbered year.
3. Currently (2006), submit 10 copies of each Grant Application by September 30, 2006 to VP for Gospel Outreach.
1. Projects will be dated and checked to ensure that all necessary information has been included and that the guidelines have been followed.
2. Receipt of all grants will be acknowledged.
3. The Gospel Outreach Grants Committee (composed of the Gospel Outreach Vice President, committee members chosen by the Gospel Outreach Vice President, and in an advisory capacity, the PSWD LWML President, the two LWML Pastoral Counselors, and the LC-MS PSWD President) will:
A. Evaluate the grants for viability and integrity.
B. Eliminate applications that do not meet guidelines or the intention of the PSWD LWML Gospel Outreach Grant Program.
C. Submit the selected list of applications to the President, Pacific Southwest District, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, for evaluation and comment.
D. Prepare the slate of applications for proposed Gospel Outreach Grants to appear on the Convention ballot, upon approval of the PSWD LWML Board of Directors.
4. Contact persons will be notified as to whether or not their applications will appear on the Convention ballot.
5. Project administrators for projects listed on the ballot will be notified as to whether or not their project was approved for funding at the Convention. If approved, the project administrators will receive information on how to obtain their requested funds.
6. Disqualification of applications (and approved projects):
A. Campaigning, organized or otherwise, for a proposed project, will result in that project being removed from the ballot.
B. Incomplete/inaccurate applications and projects not meeting the guidelines or intended purpose of the Gospel Outreach Grant program will be disqualified. This includes both proposed and previously approved projects.
C. The Gospel Outreach Committee and the PSWD LWML Board of Directors have sole authority to disqualify an application or approved project.
Format for submitting
WHEREAS, Christ has commanded us to reach out and teach all nations, and
WHEREAS, there is an ongoing need in our universities to reach International students, as most do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, but wish to learn about Christianity and to study the Bible, and
WHEREAS, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has encouraged such ministry, and
WHEREAS, Alleluia Campus Ministry is able to reach those students, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Pacific Southwest District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, assembled in convention in San Diego, CA, adopt as a mission project for the 2002-2004 biennium, the allocation of $10,000 to Alleluia Campus Ministry to increase programs, such as Bible studies, worship, outreach materials, to bring these students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
First WHEREAS states the goal citing the Biblical basis for the project.
Second WHEREAS states the need for the project.
Third WHEREAS states further need.
Fourth WHEREAS briefly summarizes the previous segments.
RESOLVED states specifics of the resolution.
Click here for actual Application Form.